Nature of autocratic rule: Nationalism and Russification
- Created by: Fredcatley
- Created on: 12-11-18 17:26
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- Nature of autocratic rule: Nationalism and Russification
- Cause
- 1894-1905: Nicholas used Russification to control the Russian Empire.
- Came as a result of: development of nationalist feelings in Baltic states.
- Nicholas thought this threatened the unity of the Empire.
- Came as a result of: development of nationalist feelings in Baltic states.
- 1894-1905: Nicholas used Russification to control the Russian Empire.
- Definition of Russification
- Aggressive promotion of Russian culture+suppression of other national cultures.
- Forms of Russification
- Imposition of Russian as official language of government and justice system of Baltic states.
- Promotion of Russian culture through primary schools.
- Suppression of non-Russian cultures.
- Establishing Russian-language Uni's: Iur'ev University in Estonia.
- Consequences
- Counter productive
- Turned groups who had been loyal to the Tsar.
- Cultural persecution turned Finns, Armenians and the people of the Baltic against the Tsar.
- Nationalism in Baltic states was a powerful anti government force.
- Against the Tsar in 1905 revolution.
- Turned groups who had been loyal to the Tsar.
- Led to anti-Semitic feelings in Russia.
- Led to violence against minorities in Russia.
- Counter productive
- Cause
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