Nature of the Olympian Gods
- Created by: AbigailBednall
- Created on: 27-02-20 09:37
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- The Nature of the Olympian Gods
- Olympian Gods
- Polytheistic (worshiped may Gods)
- Zeus
- King of the Gods. God of Order & Justice
- thunderbolt
- eagle
- King of the Gods. God of Order & Justice
- Hera
- Goddess of Marriage. Wife of Zeus
- crown
- peacock
- Goddess of Marriage. Wife of Zeus
- Poseidon
- God of Sea & Horses. Brother of Zeus
- Trident
- Horses
- dolphin
- God of Sea & Horses. Brother of Zeus
- Athena
- Goddess of Strategy in War, Crafts & Wisdom. Daughter of Zeus
- often depicted with an owl
- helmet & armour
- aegis
- Goddess of Strategy in War, Crafts & Wisdom. Daughter of Zeus
- Artemis
- Goddess of Archery& Maidens. Daughter of Zeus.
- Twins
- moon
- deer
- Quiver
- Goddess of Archery& Maidens. Daughter of Zeus.
- Apollo
- God of Music, Sun & Prophecy. Son of Zeus
- Twins
- sun
- Lyre
- bow
- laurel
- dolphin
- crow
- God of Music, Sun & Prophecy. Son of Zeus
- Aphrodite
- Goddess of Beauty & Love
- cupid
- Goddess of Beauty & Love
- Demeter
- Goddess of Agriculture, Sister of Zeus
- Cornucopia
- Goddess of Agriculture, Sister of Zeus
- Hermes
- Messenger of the Gods. Gods of Travellers, Merchants & Theives. Son of Zeus
- Wingedboots & cap
- staff
- purse
- Messenger of the Gods. Gods of Travellers, Merchants & Theives. Son of Zeus
- Ares
- God of War. Son of Zeus
- Armour
- Weapons
- God of War. Son of Zeus
- Hephaestus
- God of Blacksmiths. Son of Zeus & Hera
- Hestia
- Goddess of the Hearth.Sister of Zeus
- Donkey
- Fire
- Goddess of the Hearth.Sister of Zeus
- Dionysus
- God of Wine & Theatre. Son of Zeus
- wine
- theatre
- God of Wine & Theatre. Son of Zeus
- Hades
- God of the Under-world. Brotherof Zeus
- Ceverus
- God of the Under-world. Brotherof Zeus
- Zeus
- Polytheistic (worshiped may Gods)
- Olympian Deities
- Homeric Hyms
- not composed by Homer
- explain cause for the gods cults or aetiology
- little depiction & understanding of Athena has changed
- Hesiod
- advice when to perform certain agricultural tasks
- advice how to lead a morally good life & how to worship the Gods
- emphasises power of Zeus & influence of Athena who personifies justice
- Informed us what the Greeks thought about the Gods
- Homer
- God are v. powerful but rules but impulse & desire
- they pick favourites whom they support & influence
- can cause harm to their enemies
- Gods sometimes used as light relief in contrast to mortals situations
- Homeric Hyms
- Anthropomorphism & scope of power
- Olympian Gods depicted & described as Anthropomorphic
- But with powers that went significantly beyond those of humans
- means appear human
- Athena depicted large on Panathenaic Amphora
- But with powers that went significantly beyond those of humans
- shows grander and superiority
- Athena depicted large on Panathenaic Amphora
- Gods have emotions and needs of humans
- Olympian Gods depicted & described as Anthropomorphic
- Reciprocal Relationship
- They deserve it
- valued & helped mortals in return
- Asking for something
- 'I give so that you might give'
- Thanking the Gods
- fear
- punished if not worship
- honoured gods in may ways
- sacrifice
- in return Gods would help them in every aspect of their lives,
- libations
- prayers
- votive offerings
- BOTH personal (marriage & health) and Public (war & city)
- in return Gods would help them in every aspect of their lives,
- libations
- votive offerings
- prayers
- sacrifice
- mortals rewarded for continuous piety & worship
- Jon Mikalson - relationship based on honour not love
- integral to religion
- They deserve it
- Epithets (different roles)
- Some times confuses who to worship
- Zeus
- Zeus of the marketplace, oversight of selling & buying goods
- Zeus of the brotherhood, legitimate sons where into to their father's phratry when 1 & again at 16
- God of individual and household well-being, consulted on property, marriage & childbirth
- Zeus of the fence/courtyard, protector of families
- Role & Nature of Hero Cults
- Gunnel Erkroth - 'a hero can be defined as a person who had lived & died, either in myth or real life ... main distinction between hero & God'
- to be a hero one had to achieve some-thing unusual in one lifetime.
- Heracles - 12 labours
- Cleomedes - killed opponent in Astypalea shows
- widespread across Greece but Heracles most popular
- Hero doctor - Asclepious
- Worship of Gods
- Panhellenic
- Athena Chalkioikos - Sparta
- Athena Pronoia - Delphi
- Athena Lindia - Rhodes
- Athena Alea - Tegel
- Localised - Demes
- Personal
- individuals chose to take part in cults & oracle consultations
- Panhellenic
- Olympian Gods
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