'Nazi consolidation of power in 1933 was primarily due to the use of violence and terror'- how far do you agree with this statement?
- Created by: George_grev
- Created on: 14-04-17 12:41
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- Nazi violence and terror
- 'Nazi consolidation of power in 1933 was primarily due to the use of violence and terror'- how far do you agree with this statement?
- Conservative Elites
- Role of Hindenburg
- Hindenburg could have dismissed Hitler at any time before his death. It was because he had authoritarian sympathies that he allowed Hitler establish his dictatorship. (Rule of Decree after Reichstag fire)
- Role of Von Papen- Vice- Chancellor
- The leader of the ZP (Centre Party)- whilst not only facilitating Hitler's appointment as Chancellor. He also, made his ZP delegates vote with the Nazis to pass the Enabling Act on the 23rd March 1933.
- Role of Hindenburg
- Propaganda
- Role of Goebbels as Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda
- Goebbels was central to in the founding of 'Potsdam Day', which was a propaganda exercise involving Hitler and Hindenburg. This allowed him to portray an image of unity between the Conservative Elites and the Nazis, and also the acceptance and integration of the Nazis in power
- Role of Goebbels as Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda
- Legal and democratic consolidation of power
- For example, the Reichstag fire decree was legal under Article 48 of the Wiemar Constitution despite suspending Civil Liberties
- Also, 83% of deputies supported the Enabling Act in its passing through the Reichstag
- However, (C/F) all 81 KPD deputies and 26 SPD deputies were arrested and were not able to vote
- Moreover, the President of the Reichstag (Goering) undermined the Constitution by only needing 50% of vote rather than 2/3 of delegates.
- However, (C/F) all 81 KPD deputies and 26 SPD deputies were arrested and were not able to vote
- Conservative Elites
- The use of Concentration camps like Dachau to imprison political opponents shows that fear and terror were at the forefront of the Nazi consolidation of power. (150,000-200,000 opponents were imprisoned in 1933)
- Role of SA violence
- This violence meant that SPD and KPD members feared for their lives, which in turn meant that there was limited opposition to the Rule of Decree after the Reichstag fire on the 28th Feb 1933 as well as the passage of the Enabling Act.
- Banning of Trade Unions and Political Parties- May/July 1933
- 'Nazi consolidation of power in 1933 was primarily due to the use of violence and terror'- how far do you agree with this statement?
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