nazi germany 1933-39
- Created by: HelloWorldd
- Created on: 16-04-24 18:17
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- Nazi germany 1933-39
- the Churches -
- at first, Hitler tried to control the christian churches by reassuring them and encouraging them to work with him
- 1/3 of germans were christians
- july 1933 hitler made an agreement with the pope =
- hitler agreed to confirm freedom of worship for catholics
- catholics also had their own schools, which taught different values from Nazi schools
- hitler didn't keep his promise, and in the 1930s =
- catholic priests were harassed and arrested - many ending up in concentration camps
- catholic schools were brought in line with state schools or closed
- catholic youth activities were banned
- Persecution of the jews 1933-39 -
- some christians blamed jews for the execution of christ
- their religion, customs and looks made jews stand out as 'different'
- jews were blamed for defeat in ww1
- jews were criticised for being selfish capitalists, since many were wealthy business men
- the aryan race was seen as superior
- hitler hated jews, slavics, africas and gypsies
- jews were banned from government jobs, inheriting land, the army and restaurants
- Kristallnacht (night of broken glass) -
- 7 novemeber 1938
- a young polish jews went into the german embassy in paris and shot Ernst von Rath
- the result -
- a storm of attacks on jews
- local ** groups were told to organise demonstrations and arrest as many jews as possible
- gangs smashed up jewish property and attacked jews
- some were horrified, others took part
- shops, homes and synagogues were destroyed
- Effects =
- jews would be fined 1 billion to pay for damage
- banned from running shops or businesses
- banned from german schools or unis
- Unemployment policies -
- unemployed workers were potential supporters of communists - hitlers rivals
- 1933 national labour service (RAD)
- this provided manual work for the unemployed
- at first it was optional but from 1935 it was compulsory for all young men to do 6 months in the RAD
- workers wore uniforms, lived in camps and did military drills and parades
- pay rates were very low
- by 1939 - germany had 7000 miles of autobahns
- the Churches -
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