nazi germany - support for the regime
- Created by: Abi Crew
- Created on: 08-06-22 20:47
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- the extent of support for the regime
- reasons for growth in support
- appeal of Hitler as a sacred voice of the people and a charismatic leader who seemed to have all the answers
- role of the SA in intimidation, opportunities for young men, protecting Hitler, ideal Aryan role models
- saturation of propaganda as manipulation, complete change of school system to almost programme the younger generation
- the fuhrer cult
- volksgemeinschaft
- minorities (esp. jews) as scapegoats
- 25 point programme appealed to people from all walks of life, unlike communists who only really appealed to industrial workers in cities
- wealthy businessmen
- were frightened communists would take their wealth away
- willing to support any and all chance to destroy communism
- began to give money to Hitler and the Nazis, hoping they would gain more seats – not the communists.
- often considered a large reason for Hitler's growth
- were frightened communists would take their wealth away
- the middle-class
- generally traditional and rejected Weimar democracy
- Hitler's promise of economic prosperity after hyper-inflation and a strong government won their votes
- nationalists
- blamed the versailles treaty and reparations for economic fallout
- Nazi ideas of autarky, german superiority and a strong germany won their votes
- rural areas
- appealed to shop-owners, artisans, farmers and agricultural labourers
- Hitler's autarky plan heavily relied on bolstering the agriculture industry
- hereditary farm law 1933 prevented farms from being repossessed by their owners and gave farmers more security
- reasons for growth in support
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