Nazi promises and reasons for their success 1930-32
- Created by: Anastasia Cullen
- Created on: 17-01-16 15:54
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- Nazi promises and reasons for success
- Reasons for their success:
- The Nazis were supported financially by wealthy industrialists who saw the Nazis as a way to prevent communism
- strong, emotional propaganda campaigns
- The SA beat up opposition (communists) and then Hitler would 'complain' about violence and promise that the Nazis would bring proper law and order
- Well organised and disciplined in a time of chaos
- Promises:
- Jobs for the unemployed in state-financed public works programmes
- Germany would be great again
- Help for employers to increase their profits
- Help for farmers and shop-keepers
- Reasons for their success:
- Promises:
- Jobs for the unemployed in state-financed public works programmes
- Germany would be great again
- Help for employers to increase their profits
- Help for farmers and shop-keepers
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