nazi propaganda and indoctrination
- Created by: Abi Crew
- Created on: 08-06-22 18:10
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- nazi propaganda and indoctrination
- importance of propaganda
- Hitler believed that Germany lost WWI due to propaganda weakness/failure
- creation of the Ministry of Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda (Goebbels was head)
- Goebbel's beliefs
- propaganda should appeal to the widest possible audience
- should generate strong emotions and blind faith
- methods of propaganda
- youth indoctrination
- essential to long-term success
- education system
- taught 'racial science' and economic discrimination from a young age
- all youth groups disbanded
- Hitler Youth and League of German Maidens were the pillars of the youth regime
- 90% of 14+ boys in HY by 1939
- Hitler Youth and League of German Maidens were the pillars of the youth regime
- boys = blindly obedient soldiers
- girls = dutiful wives and mothers
- the fuhrer myth
- Hitler supported more than his party
- support was always shaky, but control was immense and Hitler was charismatic
- fear made people retreat into a private sphere of blind trust
- support was always shaky, but control was immense and Hitler was charismatic
- Hitler presented himself as a sacred hero and omnipotent warrior, embodiment of unity and purpose
- Hitler supported more than his party
- importance of propaganda
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