Nazi social policies
- Created by: KingLou99
- Created on: 26-11-16 15:51
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- Nazi social policies
- Nazi policies towards young people
- Law for the Re-establishment of a Professional Civil Service 1993
- Teachers pressured into joining National Socialist Teachers' League
- Control over cirriculum
- Students had to join German Students' League (DS)
- League of German Girls
- Hitler Youth
- Compulsory in 1939
- Nazi policies towards women
- Opposed greater emancipation for women
- After 1933, wanted women to raise birth rate
- Marriage loans
- Awarded medals to women for 'donating a baby to the Fuhrer'
- Abortion severely restricted
- German Women's League set up to coordinate all women's groups
- 1939, over 6 million members
- National Socialist Women's Organisation
- Reich Mother's Service
- March 1939, 1.7 million attended motherhood training services
- Nazi policies towards workers
- Presented greatest challenge to Gleichschaltung
- Banned existing trade unions on 2 May 1933
- German Labour Front
- Established 6 May 1933
- Took over assets of banned trade unions
- Had its own department for spreading Nazi ideology amongst workers
- Strength Through Joy (KdF)
- Workers would 'gain strength for their work by experiencing joy in their leisure'
- By 1936, 35 million belonged to it
- Nazi policies towards the Churches
- Protestant Church
- The Reich Church
- 1933, Nazi regime began to coordinate the Evangelical Church into a single Reich Church
- Confessional Church
- September 1933, group of pastors established a Pastors' Emergency League
- The Reich Church
- Roman Catholic Church
- Concordat
- July 1933, regime and Vatican reached this agreement
- Catholic Church wouldn't interfere in politics and the regime would do the same
- Concordat
- Protestant Church
- Nazi policies towards young people
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