NAZI GERMANY 1933-1939
- Created by: Amrita
- Created on: 31-05-13 19:29
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- NAZI GERMANY 1933-1939
- 1933-1934
- Hitler consolidates power
- Reichstag Fire
- Enabling Act
- Ban of trade unions
- Night of Long Knives
- Oath of allegiance by army
- Death of Hidenburg (president)
- Minority Groups
- Massive discrimination of jews - three stages of persecution
- Workers
- Trade Union banned
- Strength through joy
- Beauty of labour aimed to improve workers lives
- Wages went up
- Children
- Nazi curriculum
- German heroes (Fredrick the Great, Bismark)
- Patriotism
- Fitness
- Eugenics
- Aryan race - show to be the best
- Hitler Youth
- 1936 - all children had to join
- Girls - Training for domestic role
- Boys- Training for the army
- Nazi curriculum
- Women
- Forced out of jobs
- Focus of KKK - Children, cooking and church
- Not many woman had jobs in the first place though
- Domestic role
- 1933-1934
- Gypsies, homosexuals, alcoholics, disabled, black - camps or killed.
- Minority Groups
- Massive discrimination of jews - three stages of persecution
- Minority Groups
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