Nazi rise to power
- Created by: sophie2222
- Created on: 31-05-14 13:29
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- Nazi Success/Rise to Power
- Depression
- Agricultural depression
- By 1932 6 million unemployed-turned to extreme parties in distress
- 1931 collapse of the banks-middle class savings were wiped out
- Nazi promises- provide work for unemployed -revive agriculture
- Wall street Crash
- Propaganda, Hitler 'strong man' to save Germany
- Goebebels in charge
- Night speeches-raise emptions of crowd
- 1932 Fuhrer over Germany- posters, parades,soup kitchens
- SA Violence/ Popularity
- attractive to men who wanted purpose, uniform, food. feared by middle class however admired for standing up against threat
- Led by Roehm- involved in street fights
- Believed they help bring Hitler to power. In event of Civil war Hindenburg could not control them.
- During depression Nazis expanded to 2.5 million
- Electoral success
- 1928-2.6% 1930 18% 1932 july 37% 1932 nov 33%
- Hitler himself
- Charasmatic/ good speaker
- Determination- refusal of vice chancellorship and chan without Article 48
- Leader of largest party SA- fell apart whilst he was in prison 1923
- Weakness of Weimar
- Treaty of versailles- Germany blamed. stab in the back- lost weimar support
- weak coallitions- average 6 months
- article 48--> dictatorship
- Cross class appeal
- Main voters were farmers /peasants
- Unemployed. by 1932 more workers voted than any non-socialist party
- Middle class were amongst most enthusiastic supporters- effected by depression
- Depression
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