Living in Nazi Germany - women
- Created by: Naomi
- Created on: 25-04-13 17:13
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- Nazis and Women
- What were women for?
- To make lovely Aryan babies with lovely Aryan men, and caring for said Aryan babies in lovely Aryan homes
- What was expected of women's behaviour?
- Women were expected to choose a pure German husband and have as many babies with him as possible, (marriage was advised)
- There were expected to look like Aryan women (plaits, no trousers, heels or make up)
- They had to be fit and healthy
- They shouldn't work
- How Nazis worked on women
- Hitler Maidens were created to give girls something to do
- When a couple got married they were given a 1000 mark loan
- For every child they had the could keep 250 marks of it
- Encouraged to have 4 children
- For every child they had the could keep 250 marks of it
- Awards were given to women that had more than four children
- If a women stayed at home and didn't work, they would pay less tax
- The number of maternity clinics went up dramatically, it was the safest place for pregnant women
- When the war started, what changed?
- Importance of marriage decreased as men had to go and fight
- Lebensborn maternity homes were set up to increase the chance of women getting pregnant without marriage
- Women with four or more children had to give up their husbands so he could find another women
- Did it work?
- Birth rate rose dramatically
- Quite likely women were having babies because they liked the loans and the safety Germany offered
- Many women were probably not in favour of Nazi ideas
- The whole thing was always voluntary, but it provided a good reason for women to have children
- What were women for?
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