Neither Here Nor There
- Created by: Erin Danuta
- Created on: 22-10-19 17:55
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- Neither Here Nor There- Bill Bryson
- Discourse
- Purpose
- Entertainment and informative
- Audience
- Mainly American people, but could also be tourists
- Form
- A personal account from the perspective of a foreigner, notably an American
- Purpose
- Context, synopsis and mode (what is discussed in text)
- An American-British author expresses his extreme distaste and cynical views towards Paris, the people of Paris, the tourists of Paris, and foreigners in general, using othering and alienating/mocking taboo subjects
- Pragmatics
- Inferences
- Insensitivity and impoliteness
- Irony
- Deixis
- 'Is that asking for trouble or what?'
- Inferences
- Lexis and semantics
- Figurative language
- comparing Parisians to traffic
- Comparing Paris to a dystopian landscape
- predator/prey metaphors- 'a nearby bus roared'
- Semantic fields
- Lexical field of danger
- Figurative language
- Phonology
- Plosive lexis
- 'roared'
- Rhetorical devices
- Rhetorical questions- 'is that too much to ask for?'
- Listing
- Metaphors
- Plosive lexis
- Attitude/ tone towards Paris
- Paris is presented by Bryson as a dangerous and unsafe city. He constantly compares the Parisians to taffic and Paris itself to be 'a haze of cloudy combustion', presenting a dystopian atmosphere and tone.
- Bryson's tone is spiteful, cynical, disgusted, repulsed, and at some points, comedic, taking on the form of something almost satirical
- Discourse
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