Networks - Configuration Management, Remote Management and Disaster Planing
- Created by: lauren778
- Created on: 11-04-18 09:40
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- Networks
- Configuration Management
- Definition
- How the network is arranged - where the computers are, how they are linked, what SW is on each machine etc.
- Specialist SW can help to find the best configuration
- Having precise information makes repair or upgrade easier
- Network can be made more secure
- Definition
- Remote Management
- Accessing a network computer from a different computer.
- Useful for
- Seeing who is logged on
- Checking which sites employees are using
- Guiding users through problems
- Shutting down a station
- Disaster Planning
- Backups should be completed regularly and kept off-site - can be used on a RAID system
- RAID - Redudant Array of Inexpensive Disks
- Restoration - The process by which, in the event of a network failure, data can be put back to its state prior to the failure
- Usually, the network manager will have a plan for this and how this is actually done
- Specialist backup SW is used for both backup and recovery
- Backups should be completed regularly and kept off-site - can be used on a RAID system
- Configuration Management
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