Security Policies
- Created by: Former Member
- Created on: 06-04-15 21:42
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- Security policies
- Factors when designing security policies
- Continuous investigation of irregularities
- Logical security
- System access
- Audit trails
- Firewalls
- Operational procedures
- Disaster recovery
- Physical security
- Locks, security guards, security cameras
- Personnel administration
- Training
- Fitting employee to task
- Ensure staff are controlled
- Code of conduct and disciplinary procedures
- Operational procedures for preventing misuse
- Screen potential employees
- Distribute updated virus info and virus scanning procedures
- Define procedures for downloading from internet and use of portable storage media
- Establish security rights for updating webpages
- Establish a disaster recovery programme
- Set upaudit trails
- Potential threats
- Faulty hardware or software
- Fire
- Natural disasters
- Theft, hacking or viruses
- Problems with power
- Consequences
- Risk analysis
- Identify potential risks
- Short and long term consequences of threat
- Likelihood of risks occuring
- Disaster recovery programme
- Prevention of deliberate misuse
- Security of document filing systems
- Physical protection of hardware and software
- Securing integrity of transmitted data
- Encryption
- Define security status and access rights for users
- Proxy servers
- Controlling access to computer rooms
- Prevention of accidental misuse
- Backup and recovery procedures
- Backup storage devices and media
- RAID systems
- Clustering
- Factors when designing security policies