Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms In Aggression
Here is a quick mindmao I created on the neural and hormonal mechanisms in aggression. I have included the psychologists that either support or criticise the findings, however I have not put what they did. I shall include this information in a separate revision source. The information on this mindmap has been retrieved from The 'Dog' Book and also Collins Student Support Material Book.
- Created by: Sophie
- Created on: 23-11-15 17:48
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- Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms In Aggression
- Neural
- Serotonin
- high levels reduce aggression
- inhibit responses to emotional stimuli
- low levels = increase aggression
- Research Support
- Mann et al. (1990)
- Brown et al. (1982)
- Scerbo and Raine
- Rosado et al. (2010)
- Badawy (2006)
- Bond (2005)
- Research To Criticise
- Mann et al. (1996)
- Low Serotonin Metabolism
- Mann et al. (1996)
- high levels reduce aggression
- Dopamine
- link with aggression is not as well established
- high Dopamine levels = increase aggression
- Research Support
- Lavine (1997)
- Buitelaar (2003)
- Glazer and Dickson (1998)
- Couppis et al. (2008)
- Van Erp and Miczec (2000)
- Ferrari et al. (2003)
- link with aggression is not as well established
- most associated with aggressive behaviour
- chemicals that enable impulses to be transmitted from one part of the brain to another
- Evaluation
- Bandura et al. (1961,1963)
- Ignores Social Factors
- Zimbardo et al. (1973)
- Deindividuation can increase aggressive behaviour
- Ghaziuddin and Alessi (1992)
- Real World Application
- Reductionism
- Bandura et al. (1961,1963)
- Serotonin
- Hormonal
- Cortisol
- Monitors and Mediates other hormones
- Research Support
- Van Goozen et al. (2007)
- Dabbs et al. (1991)
- Virkkunen (1985)
- Tennes and Kreye (1985)
- Fairchild and Goodyer (2008)
- Reinecke (2011)
- McBurnett et al. (2000)
- Research to criticise
- Gerra et al. (1997)
- Testosterone
- influence aggression from young adulthood onwards
- action on brain areas involved in controlling aggression
- Research Support
- Dabbs et al (1987)
- Lindman et al. (1987)
- The Challenge Hypothesis
- Wingfield et al. (1990)
- Archer (1991)
- Book et al. (2001)
- Olweus et al. (1988)
- Edwards (1969)
- Research to criticise
- Bain et al. (1987)
- Zitzmann (2006)
- Barrett Connor et al. (1999)
- McNicholas et al. (2003)
- Davis (2000)
- Albert et al. (1993)
- Evaluation
- Aggression or dominance?
- Mazur (1985)
- Gender Bias
- Archer et al. (2005)
- Baucom et al. (1985)
- Real World Applications
- Gender Bias
- Aggression or dominance?
- Cortisol
- Neural
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