Neural mechanisms in eating behaviour AO1
- Created by: Ambrosia
- Created on: 22-01-14 19:46
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- Neural mechanisms in eating behaviour AO1
- Homeostasis involves mechanisms that can detect and correct the state of the internal environment
- Amygdala responsible for food selection based on memory
- Inferior frontal cortext responsible for detecting smells and damage to it causes decrease in eating
- Amygdala responsible for food selection based on memory
- Lateral hypothalamus is activated when glucose levels decrease
- damage to LH in rats causes aphagia and stimulation of LH elicits feeding behaviour
- ventromedial hypothalamus is activated when glucose levels rise
- Damage to the VMH causes hyperphagia in rats
- it is now believed damage to the PVN causes hyperphagia
- Homeostasis involves mechanisms that can detect and correct the state of the internal environment
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