Neural mechanisms in eating behaviour AO2
- Created by: Ambrosia
- Created on: 22-01-14 20:44
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- Neural mechanisms in eating behaviours AO2
- Theory that hunger and eating are only triggered when energy levels change is maladaptive
- A mechanism needs to promote energy levels to be maintained above optimal levels
- damage to LH causes deficits in other aspects of behaviour
- eating behaviour is controlled by neural circuits not just hypothalamus
- Mice that did not make NPY didnt decrease feeding behaviour
- eating behaviour is controlled by neural circuits not just hypothalamus
- Only damage to lh AND PVN causes hyperphagia (Gold) no one has replicated these finding
- damage to amygdala causes Kluver Bucy sydrome (indiscriminate eating
- Zald and Pardo provieded evidence that amygdala processes smells. unpleasant odours=increased blood flow to amygdala
- Theory that hunger and eating are only triggered when energy levels change is maladaptive
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