New Age Movements
- Created by: vikki3092
- Created on: 04-05-16 12:10
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- New Age Movements
- Ideas that gained popularity around the 1980's
- These are not closely attached to organisations
- Heelas
- two common themes that characterise the NAM's
- Detraditionalisation
- Reject the authority of external forces instead values self
- Self-Spirituality
- Turned away from traditional to find spirituality within themselves
- Detraditionalisation
- Suggests these are self-religions
- they talk about self-improvement
- and give this a spiritual connection
- they talk about self-improvement
- Self-Spirituality
- Salvation comes from discovering and perfecting yourself
- two common themes that characterise the NAM's
- New Science
- Accepts things without scientific proof
- Bruce
- They're opposed to 'closed mindedness' authoritarianism of science
- Symptom of decline of traditional religion
- People have little faith in science and even less in religion
- Tends to see myths/shamanism as superior ways of understanding the world/life
- New Ecology
- Claims the planet is an organism
- Links personal problems to environment
- All aspects of the environment are linked
- Living at peace with the environment is the main idea
- New psychology/spirituality
- The world is an animate object
- Reject science
- Focus on self and spirit
- Heelas
- two common themes that characterise the NAM's
- Detraditionalisation
- Reject the authority of external forces instead values self
- Self-Spirituality
- Turned away from traditional to find spirituality within themselves
- Detraditionalisation
- Suggests these are self-religions
- they talk about self-improvement
- and give this a spiritual connection
- they talk about self-improvement
- Self-Spirituality
- Salvation comes from discovering and perfecting yourself
- two common themes that characterise the NAM's
- Appeal of NAM's
- Bruce
- Appeals to m/c in expressive professions
- They have to articulate an interest in human potential
- Attract females bc of status given
- Belief is based on extreme relativism of knowledge
- What you believe is based on your subjective point of view
- Appeals to m/c in expressive professions
- Drane
- People have lost faith in meta-narratives and turn to NAMs
- Bruce
- Evaluation
- Bruce
- Sees spiritual shopping of NAMs as typical of late modern society not post-modern reflecting the consumerist ethos of capitalist society
- Modern society values individualism which I essential to NAMs
- NAM's are just Eastern religions but diluted to appeal to self-centred westerners
- Heelas
- Links NAMs and modernity
- A source of authentic identity.
- Consumer culture. NAMs offer a new way of achieving perfection
- Rapid social change creates anomie. NAMs provide truth
- Decline of organised religion.
- Links NAMs and modernity
- Bruce
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