New Liberalism
- Created by: thisisboring23
- Created on: 07-01-23 17:25
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- New Liberalism
- Attraction of the Liberals
- Reunited
- Divisive issues not spoken about in build up to 1906 election
- Free trade is a “bread and butter” issue
- Had alienated a lot of voters from the Conservatives
- Increased support in by-elections
- Easy to see what they are against (not so much what they are for)
- Reunited
- Liberal speeches before 1906
- 59%
- Taff Vale
- 69%
- Reform to poor laws
- 75%
- End Chinese slavery
- 78%
- Change for pub hours and problems in Ireland
- 86%
- Improve education
- 98%
- Keep free trade
- 100%
- Attack previous government
- 59%
- Why adopt New Liberalism?
- New rivals for WC votes
- Trade Unions
- New issues amongst working class
- Boer War
- Shows the need for social reform
- Ideas abroad
- New Zealand and Germany
- Shown OL doesn’t work in 1895 and 1900 elections
- Extreme poverty
- 30% below sustenance level
- NL would help
- 30% below sustenance level
- Intellectuals
- J.A Hobson
- State must help lower poverty
- T.H Green
- Argues NL would allow greater social freedoms
- J.T Hobhouse
- Fairly distributed wealth
- J.A Hobson
- New leaders e.g., David Lloyd George
- Old Liberalism
- Low taxes
- Laissez faire
- Liberty of individual from state
- New Liberalism
- More government help
- Provide safety net for those who cannot work
- Increased taxes
- More government help
- Attraction of the Liberals
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