New Age Movements
- Created by: hannahmoore
- Created on: 04-05-15 16:25
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- New Age Movements
- Since 1980s
- Set of beliefs and activities with spiritual element
- Organised differently from traditional religion
- Heelas
- Describes as Hollistic Mileua
- One on one activities
- Spiritual revolution (Kendal Project)
- Examples? Clairvoyance, Paganism, Spirit guides, Scientology
- Main themes: Self spirituality & De-traditionalisation
- Why has it grown?
- Modernity has brought science and rational thinking but this cannot solve all problems
- Society now emphasises individualism
- Search for personal view rather than objective truth
- Product of Modernity
- People lose sense of identity through multiple roles
- Consumer culture encourages perfection
- Society is changing, values are lost, provides alternative
- Decline in tradition has left gap
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