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?- Created by: Lois
- Created on: 26-03-13 19:40
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- New Media Case Studies
- Iran
- Iranian government banned all media reporting of the protest.
- protesters turned to twitter to let the world know what was going on.
- peak of protest there was 200,000 tweets per hour.
- Protesters become 'Citizen Journalists' rather than relying on government controlled media.
- June 2009 - during political protests after a disputed election.
- Iranian government banned all media reporting of the protest.
- The 'Arab Spring'
- Protesters have been labelled 'the Facebook revolution'.
- Started in Tunisia, December 2010.
- Sparked by protesters that occurred in Tunisia following Mohammed Bouazizi's self-immolation in protest of police corruption and ill treatment.
- Spread to Egypt in January 2011.
- Most important spark was video posted on you-tube by a woman called Asmaa Mahfouz.
- She urged Egyptian people to join in a protest on January 25th.
- Most important spark was video posted on you-tube by a woman called Asmaa Mahfouz.
- 'Los Indignados'
- Started as a direct critique of the political system in Spain and Europe as a whole and was inspired by the tactics of 'The Arab Spring'.
- Started by a small group in Madrid called 'real democracy now'.
- Organised some debates and demonstrations on coming local elections.
- Call to protest went out over the internet. No formal organisation, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in major cities all over Spain on May 15th 2011.
- 'Occupy Wall Street'
- Was largely ignored until a protester uploaded footage of the police spraying pepper spray into the eyes of a protester on the internet.
- Clip went viral and helped to promote the movement in the USA and other parts of the world.
- Started September 17th 2011.
- Was largely ignored until a protester uploaded footage of the police spraying pepper spray into the eyes of a protester on the internet.
- Clip went viral and helped to promote the movement in the USA and other parts of the world.
- Was largely ignored until a protester uploaded footage of the police spraying pepper spray into the eyes of a protester on the internet.
- Internet helped movement to spread to many other cities and countries during Autumn of 2011.
- Was largely ignored until a protester uploaded footage of the police spraying pepper spray into the eyes of a protester on the internet.
- Iran