Cortisol Study
- Created by: Lotto65
- Created on: 13-04-17 14:50
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- Newcomer et al, 1999
- Aim
- To investigate how cortisol interferes with verbal declarative memory
- Procedure
- Self- selected sample
- 51 healthy people aged 18-31
- Randomised, double blind experiment for 4 days
- Placebo cortisol tablet
- High level cortisol tablet ( 160mg)
- Low level of cortisol tablet (40mg)
- Self- selected sample
- Findings
- High level of cortisol group performed worse
- Below placebo after day 1
- Low level group showed no memory decrease
- High level of cortisol group performed worse
- Conclusion
- Cortisol can cause impairment of learning and memory
- High amounts of cortisol can lead to atrophy of the hippocampus
- Degeneration
- Aim
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