MS1 Newspaper and newspaper websites
- Created by: Penny roper
- Created on: 19-03-14 21:02
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- Newspaper Front Page/website
- Menu bar/***** - at the bottom of the front page to say what can be found inside
- Masthead
- Logo
- Lead story
- Kicker - Feature that stands out because it is presented differently
- Banner Headline - a headline that spans the whole width of the page
- Headline
- Editor
- Cross head - usually centered
- Chequebook journalism
- Caption
- By line
- Bias - A form of prejudice; a person/group of people/place/thing is represented or ignored
- Banner - the top area of the front page which includes masthead and publishing info.
- News values - the criteria used by journalists for deciding what is worth reporting 'newsworthy'
- NIB - news in brief - small taster stories
- Over line - smaller, introductory headline over the main headline, usually underlined
- Paparazzi - colloquial term to describe freelance photographers
- Puff - area just below the masthead which contains a feature, report or promotion inside the paper
- Pugs - something that attracts the reader's eye to the left or right of the masthead
- Secondary lead - second, slightly smaller, story on the front cover
- Sidebar - a story in a text box down the side, sometimes a tabloid puff could be in a side bar
- Splash - the main story on the front page
- Stand-first - First introductory paragraph of a story - often in bold
- Strap line
- Sub headings - used to separate text into smaller parts
- WOB - white on black for the headline OR BOW
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