No security without development and no development without security
- Created by: xxxxxxx
- Created on: 16-12-14 12:43
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- No security without development and no development without security
- Kofi Annan
- Millenium development Goal 9 in Afghanistan is to Enhance security
- This additional MDG for Afghanistan recognises the important role of peace and security in achievingdevelopment in the country, the UN also agreed that an extension date by which this MDGs should be achieved within the time of 2015-2020
- Security Issues in Afghanistan
- Insurgency Attacks
- People still worry about the safety of their children
- worried that Taliban might take over again
- Drugs trade - production and trafficking
- Non democratic, evident in the 2009 elections
- Corruption - public money no benefitting the Afghan people, massive inequality between wealthy and poor
- Government has little control of the country outside the capital city of Kabul, basically lawess
- Development issues in Afghanistan
- Police being paid low wages, more likely to be easily recruited by Taliban
- Farmers loosing out and having a reduced quality of life as they are not allowed to grow opium poppies
- Low GDP of $800
- Lack of tax revenue, highly dependant on foreign aid
- Landlocked, dependant on trade within neighbouring countries, this trade is also made difficult by poor transport, and mountainous terrain. Currently opium is one of the few goods able to survive long, difficult journeys
- Much of the population continues to suffer from shortages of housing, clean water electricity, medical care and jobs
- How can security impact on development
- An increase in security means refugees are returning and bringing business back with them
- A lack of security means that trans national company's withdraw from the country or safety reasons meaning there is a loss of foreign
- security enables the economic development for example the rebuilding war torn infrastructure ,tansport improved to import and export goods and produce - enabling job creation
- How can development impact on security
- An increase in development means more policing and the need to keep it safe.
- A lack of development means there is little money to put into high security measures
- Funded by US aid
- No secure roads for delivering cement needed to install it at the site
- Consequently no electricity in the region
- Chinese company employed to install the turbine had pulled out over night due to security reasons
- This is an example of place where security has impacted on developemtn
- Lashkar Gar - Capital of Helmand Province
- Past War Zone
- Deserted Streets, ruins of buildings, shell casings and burnt vehicles
- How fast- rising buildings, markets with shoppers, and restaurants.
- Now proper airport, so many vehicles wardens have been employed to ensure smooth traffic.
- Daily flights to the capital, Kabul.
- Peace has been established by the Afghan army with help from the Western forces, particularly the British Reconstruction teams
- these are military groups and groups of civillians which have played a major part in NATOS mission to stabile Afghanistan
- Business is booming, radio stations are overwhelmed with advertising and national Afghan banks fill the high street.
- Also a significant boom in property prices
- This is an example of a place where development has impacted on security
- Lashkar Gar - Capital of Helmand Province
- Pomegranate export business
- This is an example of a place where security has impacted development
- Security Issues
- Routes threatened by landmines
- Kleptocracy - police system with corruption
- Development Issues
- Stone age agricultural techniques
- No insurance system
- Taliban insurgents blocking access to farms
- Police wanting to inspect fruit boxes but if opened, fruit will spoil
- Economic development is defined as development of economic wealth of country's or regions for the well being of their inhabitants
- Security can be defined as the state of being free from danger or injury and free from fear and anxiety
- It is important to achieve both for any progression to take place, they are mutually supportive
- Progress of security and development in development
- 70% of Afghans think that security has improved in recent years
- Development has improved and employment is increasing
- One year ago, 29% of Afghans thought job prospects were good, this has now risen to 41%
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