Non Spatial data representation geographical skills
- Created by: mollyb
- Created on: 13-06-13 17:55
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- Non-spatial Data
- Bar Chart
- used for most types of data but especially discrete or time series e.g. rainfall, pedestrian count
- can be horizontal or vertical
- easy, simple, quick and visually impressionable
- limitations
- should only be used with interval data
- width of the bar can be misleading
- can be difficult to read accurately
- can be time consuming when done by hand
- require additional information to be useful
- Pie Chart
- used with percentage data to show the constituent part of a whole e.g. employment
- always start at 12 o'clock with the smallest first
- very visual, easy to compare
- has to use % data, too many sectors can be confusing to the eye,
- need to standardise order of segments
- difficult to label to allow all sectors to be readable
- cant use for exact comparisons
- may not be accurate especially if done by hand
- Divided Bar Chart
- used to show constituents of a whole e.g. employment
- limitations
- too many sectors can be confusing
- difficult to use colours
- not always easy to compare
- Rose or Star
- used to show directions, e.g. wind directions.
- length of the bar reflects frequency and width
- limitiations
- time consuming to draw and read
- Proportional circle, square or triangle
- area of the symbol is proportional to square root of data value
- can cope with large numbers of such as town population
- squares are easier to draw than circles
- limitations
- time consuming and hard to draw
- not easy to compare to accurately
- scale can be complex to draw
- over lap can occur making it hard to read/interpret
- Proportional sphere, cube or pyramid
- area of symbol proportional to cube root of the data value.
- copes with very large amounts of numbers such as large towns
- gives good visual impression
- Bar Chart
- not easy to compare accurately
- limitiations
- time consuming to draw and read
- limitiations
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