Obedience- Situational Variables
- Created by: teganwoods
- Created on: 06-04-16 14:36
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- Obedience- Situational Variables
- Evaluation
- Lack of internal validity : Orne and Holland
- Research Support: Bickman (1974)
- Cross cultural replications: Milgrams study was replicated. Miranda et al(1981) did it in spain
- Proximity
- Milligram proximity variation study they were in the same room. obedience rate dropped from 65% to 40%.
- Location
- Milligram mode his study to a run down building. Obedience dropped to 47.5%. before it was 65%
- Uniform
- Milligram got the experimenter to call the teacher which obedience dropped to 20%
- Evaluation
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