ocr grog erosional landforms
- Created by: eimearmacc4
- Created on: 29-10-20 12:25
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- Erosional landforms
- cliffs and shore platforms
- when destructive waves break repeatedly on steeply sloping coastlines, continued undercutting weakens support for the rock strata above, eventually collapses forming a cliff
- as the sequence of undercutting, collapse and retreat, at its base a gently sloping shore platform is cut into solid rock
- Bays and headlands
- if these rock outcrops lie perpendicular to the coastline, the weaker rocks are eroded more rapidly to form bays while the more resistant rock remains between bays as headlands
- usually due to the presence of bands of rock of differing resistance of erosion
- Geos and blowholes
- geos: narrow, steep-sided inlets. Lines of weakness are eroded more rapidly then the rock around them
- blowholes: roof of a tunnel-like cave collapses along a master joint, it may form a vertical shaft that reaches the cliff top
- caves, arches, stacks and stumps ( a sequence of erosional landforms)
- cave: points of weakness are exploited by erosional processes and a small cave may develop on one side
- arch: if a cave enlarges to such an extent it extends through to the otherside of the headland, possibly getting another cave and arch is formed
- stack: continued erosion widens the arch and weakens its support, aided by weather the arch may collapse leaving an isolated stack
- stump: further erosion at the base of the stack may cause further collapse leaving a stump
- cliffs and shore platforms
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