OCR newspapers media audiences
- Created by: hannah_thorley
- Created on: 10-03-20 17:36
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- Newspapers Media Audiences
- Categorisation
- The Publishers Audience Measurement Company Ltd (PAMCo)
- Social Class = A-E
- Guardian audience is MUCH younger and more up market, London based and more male
- G = progressive, fashionable, tech-smart, well travelled, affluent, well educated, influential, passions
- Postmodern culture = people can make their own identities, so targeting is not as effective
- The Publishers Audience Measurement Company Ltd (PAMCo)
- Targeting and addressing
- Online audience is much less loyal
- Daily Mail tabs
- Sports = green
- Femail = pink
- TV and showbiz = red. Associated with trashy news/ red tops
- Science is VERY dramatised
- 'Constructing audiences' can have affects on them - Bandura (human values can be altered directly by the content
- Gerbner (heavy users of TV have 'mean world syndrome' - cynical and mistrusting attitudes towards others - the Mail does this
- Consumerism - the media should SERVE them, not the opposite
- Political and historical contexts explain the extent to which these groups are portrayed equally - multiculturalism and sexuality etc
- Feminism - men cannot patronise them or put them into fixed gender roles - g's - women's page = integrated
- Technologies, consumption and response
- Designed for a more detailed analysis -guided by t he print layout and love the images
- House style and clear values encourage loyalty and familiarity
- Filter then publish
- Websites and SM offer 24 hour immediacy
- Instant choice, interactivity and navigation
- Higher audience expectation Sharky = publish THEN filter
- Social and cultural - rising audiences
- Cultural/ economic' political - resist moving completely online
- Print offers legitimacy and authority over online news
- Economic - Data mining from online advertising - targeted and easier
- Cultural/ economic' political - resist moving completely online
- Audience Interaction and Prosumers
- Hall's typology of interpretations
- Dominant/ hegemonic = accepts message and ideological assumptions created by the words
- Negotiated = accepts the ideology, but not the message entirely
- Affected by age, gender, culture, beliefs, mood, life experiences
- Oppositional = disagrees with messages AND ideologies
- Jenkins - Participatory Culture
- online comments
- Audiences
- Hall's typology of interpretations
- Categorisation
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