Operational Strategies: Lean Production-Chapter 15
- Created by: Emma Boyle
- Created on: 09-01-15 22:23
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- Operational Strategies: Lean Production- Unit 15
- Lean Production
- Removes all forms of waste during the production process
- Purposes of lean production
- Reduce waste and therefore costs
- Improve quality
- Reduce time taken in the production process
- Reduce non-added value activities e.g. storing and moving materials around the factory floor
- Main Techniques
- Cell Production
- Production at the factory is organised into teams (cells) with each team taking responsibility for their particular stage of production
- Advantages
- Shop floor expertise
- Responsibility
- Motivation= productivity and quality
- Issues
- Culture change
- Training
- Purposes of JIT
- Reduce waste by eliminating the need for high levels of stock
- Reduce costs by cutting warehouse space and staffing costs linked to the warehouse
- Save time, as stock can be delivered straight to the production line/shelves
- Flexibility for customers and the ability to be more flexible to respond to changing customer needs
- Add Value-JIT should reduce non-added activities e.g. storage
- The produce is 'pulled' through the production line by the desire for the product to be ready for the customer on a particular date
- Improved quality as no room for error
- Requirements for JIT
- Excellent communications with supplier
- Reliable and flexible employees
- A flexible approach to managing employees
- Flexible equipment
- Untitled
- Purposes of JIT
- Critical Path Analysis
- Time based management
- Kaizen
- Benchmarking
- Cell Production
- Lean Production
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