Repression in Russia
- Created by: lyd_kate
- Created on: 16-02-18 08:20
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- Repression
- Secret police
- 3rd Section of imperial chancellory
- Inherited by Alex II, replaced it with softer okhrana 1880
- Okhrana
- Alex III spying & arrests but activity up - SR & SD's. Executioners in 1905
- Disbanded by PG as part of softer policies
- Cheka = Bolsheviks . Removed counterrevolutionaries - SRs linked to Lenin assassination attempt 1918
- Different - terrorism based on who you were not just actions
- Red Terror = War Communism: labour camps & code, grain req. labour militarisation, kulak removal (Cheka)
- NKVD 1934, Stalin's permanent terror, aided party member purges e.g. Bukharin. Gulags 40m imprisoned. Paranoia
- Conspiracy? Purged of 20,000 members by WW2
- MGB & MVD formed large MVD 1953 essentially NKVD
- Beria gone. MVD - ordinary crimes, KGB USSR security. Party not person. Gulags went, 11,000 counter revs imprisoned 1960
- 3rd Section of imperial chancellory
- Govt policies
- Judicial
- 1881 - Alex III centralised police political courts & land captains
- 1917 onwards Revolutionary justice. Criminal code 1921, legalised use of terror to deter crime (anti-revs)
- Education
- Tolstoy to ban Western influences
- Zemstva's control reduced, Church now dominant
- Subjects like Lit & History replaced with traditional Maths/Greek
- Judicial
- Denunciations fear, espionage, chistka & show trials
- Pahlen set up trial of 193, backfired, 153 acquitted, jury sympathetic
- Censorship (also see propaganda MM)
- Alex II - Censorship relaxed, withdraw if 'dangerous orientation'. Govts printed newspapers
- Nicholas II open, no.of periodicals up 3x. Duma partially punlished
- WW1, citizens got most info from foreign broadcasts
- Bolsheviks 1921 Agitrop, films ideal Russian life
- Schools watched to prevent anti revolutionary behaviour
- Stalin all literary groups closed. USW or exile. WW2 radio altered, new Soviet man hardworking supported regime
- Army
- Russification enhanced army role
- 1905-17 to dismantle strikes, excessive force at 1905 revolution
- Secret police
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