Opposition to the Weimar Republic
- Created by: EK55
- Created on: 12-11-15 18:17
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- Opposition to the Weimar Republic
- Spartacist Uprising
- Communist party led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht.
- Wanted to overthrow the republic.
- attempt to seize power in January 1919 was unsuccessful when they called upon the Freikorps who shot the two leaders.
- The Kapp Putsch
- Attempt by the Freikorps to overthrow the Weimar Republic in March 1920.
- Led by Dr Kapp a very strong opponent of the Republic and the Treaty of Versailles.
- The Freikorps seized Berlin and forced the government to flee.
- Nazis
- Hitler believed in the 'stab in the back' theory and strongly opposed to the Treaty of versailles.
- Determined to overthrow the Weimar Republic
- By 1921 he had his own party, the Nazis
- Within 2 years it had attracted many supporters as well as its own private army known as the stormtroopers
- Spartacist Uprising
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