Opposition of Tsardom
- Created by: Suzi
- Created on: 22-02-14 12:27
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- Opposition of Tsardom
- The Octobrists
- Led by Guchkov and Rodzianko
- Members - Educated Middle Class
- Wanted reform, wanted to set up duma
- Did not want to overthrow tsar
- Willing to point out its failings
- Wanted to set up duma
- Willing to point out its failings
- Loyal to tsar + believed in maintanence of Russian Empire
- The Kadets
- Led by Milyukov
- Members - Educated Middle Class
- Wanted a constitutional monarchy
- Tactics - peaceful reform
- Wanted a more democratic country
- represent all or Russia + settle nation's social, political + economic problems
- The Social Revolutionaries
- Led by Cherbnov
- Members - peasants + some workers
- Wanted to depose the tsar + redistribute the land
- Tactics - violent revolution (inc. assassinations)
- Left - continue violence
- Right - work with other parties
- The Social Democrats
- Original Leader - Plekhanov
- Later: Lenin and Martov
- Members - mainly industrial, some intellectuals + students
- Wanted to overthrow tsar through revolution
- Then set up Marxist Communism
- Tactics = revolution
- Party Split
- Lenin - Bolsheviks
- Martov - Mensheviks
- Original Leader - Plekhanov
- The Octobrists
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