Political Opposition of Tsardom
- Created by: emilia_huston
- Created on: 01-05-15 16:40
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- Political Opposition of Tsardom
- The Revolutionaries
- The Populists
- Regarded the future in the hands of the peasants
- Leaders were middle/upperclass
- Did have 'some' influence- established violent anti-tsarist tradition
- Went into the countryside to live + attempt to turn them into revolutionaries
- In desperation some turned to terrorism
- The People's Will - assassinated Alexander II
- Justified reactionary policies
- Believed that Russia could not progress unless the Tsarist system destroyed
- Social Revolutionaries
- Encompassed those that hated the Tsarist system
- Grew out of the populist movement
- Between 1901-05 the terrorist faction dominated,responsible for 2000 politicalassassinations
- Land policy kept them popular with the peasants
- Victor Chernov party leader
- Social Democrats
- Led by Plekhanov then Lenin
- Bolshevik/Menshevik split by 1912
- Dispute between Lenin and Plekhanov,series of votes showed a fair divide in the party
- Bolshevik tactics before 1917
- Set up revolutionary training schools
- Fund raising
- No threat as Mensheviks outnumbered them
- Borgeouis and Proletariat, turn workers into revolutionaries- professionals only allowed
- Scip capitalism in the Marxisttheory
- Menshevik Tactics before 1917
- Membership open to all revolutionaries
- Through the whole Marxist theory
- Allancewith other liberal parties
- Lenin returned from exile to Russia in 1900
- Formed in 1898 and their aim was to achieve revolution by following the ideas of Karl Marx
- Hopes focused on industrial working-class
- The Populists
- The Liberals
- The Octobrists
- Believed in the maintenance of the Russian empire-wanted constitutional and democratic advances
- Drawn from landowning/industrial interests
- Dated from the issuing of the October Manifesto
- Didn't challenge the tsarist system so dismissed as a bourgeois reactionary group
- The Kadets
- Formedat the time of the 1905 revolution. They wanted to develop a constitutional monarchy.
- The powers of the tsar should be limited by a democratically elected constituent
- Party of the liberal intelligentsia
- Most outspoken crocs of the tsar, and played role in the Feb Rev 1917
- Leader= Milyukov
- The Octobrists
- The Revolutionaries
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