The development of Shock Tactics
- Created by: K4typ
- Created on: 04-06-18 10:48
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- The Development of tactics (shock tactics and cult of the
- Revolutionary
- Some more rapid movement.
- Napoleon led forces through alps and achived suprise at Merengo
- air-reconnaissance battle of fleures 1794
- Napoleonic
- Rapid deployment + powerful long range weapons à change in tactics. Napoleon sought Central position at Austerlitz 1805 by breaking enemy line
- Manourvre sur les derrieres
- Rapid tactical success led to victory against the 3rd colation
- frontal asuslts battle of borodino 1812
- Prussian Wars
- Prussian success 1864-70 was due to the superior fire power of the new rifles. However more powerful Austrian artillery was a considerable challenge even in a successful battle such as Sadowa in 1866
- American Civil War
- Jackson used Manouvre sur less derriere during the Shenandoah campaign before the second battle of Manassas where the confederates won victory against the union
- Lee central position at Gettysburg unsuccessful 1863 Lee was repulsed
- picketss charge battle of gettysburg - frontal assault
- union used balloon reconnisance
- ww2
- motorized units prevented slow advance
- attempt to use paratroops to shorten the war at arnhem
- but failed
- tactical success 1940 depended on german weakness
- Blitzkreig
- Success in poland 1939
- cavalry charge
- polish forces against german tanks 1939
- air reconnaissance airplanes
- ww1
- tactics of gaining local advantage
- cavalry charges battle of Mons 1914
- creeping barrage
- batttle of the somme
- frontal assults battle of the somme 1916
- tried to out-manourve in race to thr sea
- nettoyeurs de tranchée "trench cleaners" small formations
- use of infiltration tactics
- air reconnaissance airplanes
- Revolutionary
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