business revision rew
- Created by: Aribeonaty
- Created on: 23-03-18 14:37
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- Business revision
- Organisational structure
- flat hierarchy - wide spans of control
- Hierarchical - many layers with narrow spans of control
- Centralised - a type of business organisation where decisions are made at the centre of it, and then passed down the chain of command.
- Decentralised - where decisions are pushed down and away from the centre of the organisation
- Business plans
- A business plan is created by an entrepreneur to reduce risk of failure.
- they include:
- Market research and marketing strategy
- the aims of the business
- forecasts for cash flow
- The original idea
- business location
- communication
- a process by which information is exchanged from a sender to a receiver
- coordinates and controls a business
- motivates employees and helps them to feel part of a business
- better communication with customers will improve sales
- Organisational structure
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