Origins and Meanings Mindmap
- Created by: Kenzie_Erica
- Created on: 23-02-19 15:47
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- Origins and Meanings
- Key Words
- Omnipotence
- The belief that God is all-powerful
- Transcendence
- Existing outside of space and time. God exists above and beyond creation
- Creation ex nihilo
- Creation out of nothing. Only God can create out of nothing. Before God created the universe there was nothing.
- Imago Dei
- The belief that human beings are uniquely a reflection of God. Unlike other animals, humans are rational, moral and free
- Stewardship
- The duty to care for the planet as stewards not consumers. To preserve it for future generations.
- Evolution
- The process of mutation and natural selection which leads to changes in a species over time to suit a particular environment
- Inspiration
- "God breathed" The belief that God guides people to act and write what is good and true
- Revelation
- How God makes himself known to human beings. Christians believe he does this fully through Jesus
- Omnipotence
- The Bible
- Catholic View
- The Bible has symbolic accounts
- Written by many different people
- Written at times where opinions were different
- Different types of books
- Both human and divine
- "The words of God expressed in the words of man"
- Creationist View
- Bible contains no errors
- It is as relevant now as it was then
- Contains no human element
- Should be read as it was writted
- Jewish View
- The Torah
- Orthodox- literal interpretation
- Reform- symbolic interpretation
- Catholic View
- The Catholic Stool
- Bible
- Divine wisdom in human words
- Writers were inspired by God
- "the invisible God, out of the abundance of his love, speaks to us as friends
- Tradition
- Divine wisdom in human lives
- The Holy Spirit helps the Church grow in wisdom through the lives of inspirational people
- Inspired Christian wisdom captured in people's lives, words and actions
- Magisterium
- Divine wisdom in human teaching
- Catholic discussions (e.g. on family)
- Pope's letter (Laudato Si)
- Collection of inspired interpretation of scripture and teachings
- Bible
- Conscience
- Human reason making moral decisions. Knowledge we have of what is right and wrong
- Christians believe that it is God-given
- Two Parts
- To do with knowledge- the minds ability to know the difference between right and wrong
- To do with action- the internal impulse to do right. Gives guilt if wrong is done
- Proof of God's goodness (Imago Dei)
- If we followed our conscience more there would be less moral evil and suffering
- "We should all follow our conscience and use it as a moral guide. By following your conscience, you are serving God" Aquinas
- Different for everyone
- Genesis
- Genesis 1
- Creation of the world in 6 days
- Omnipotent
- "And God said "Let there be light" and there was light."
- Omnibenevolent
- "God saw it was good"
- Transcendent
- "In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth"
- Eternal
- "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"
- Creator
- "Then God said "Let us make mankind in our own image"
- Genesis 2
- Creation of mankind
- Omnipotent
- "God formed a man from the dust on the ground"
- Omnibenevolent
- The Lord God said "It is not good for man to be alone"
- Creator
- "The the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken from man"
- Genesis 1
- St Augustine
- Creation ex nihilo
- Perfection is not achievable
- Original Sin
- We were all semenly present at the fall of man
- "You are good"
- The Big Bang
- The universe began in an explosion, where from a single point, all the universe's energy and matter became the planets and stars we know today
- Theory was put forward by a Catholic Priest, Fr George Lemaître
- Developed by Stephen Hawking
- "the only pace there was, was inside"
- "Made of the smoke of the Big Bang"
- "universe bursts into existence"
- Evolution
- Charles Darwin
- Natural Selection/ Survival of the Fittest
- Richard Dawkins
- "A living organism's body is just a survival machine for its genes and doesn't serve any other purpose"
- Rejects a creator God who has a plan.
- Religion is not compatible with and undermines scientific theories
- Catholic Response
- God's greater plan
- "God is not a magician with a magic wand" Pope Francis
- That Divine Providence does not exclude Fortune and Chance" Aquinas
- Creationism
- Literal belief in the Bible
- Fossils prove Noah's flood
- God made animals in kinds which developed into what they are today
- "My faith in itself is evidence" Paul Taylor
- Stewardship
- God made us to be stewards
- "They can be responsible..for earth itself"
- Must live in a sustainable way
- Protect creation for future generations
- About caring for each other
- Humanist View
- Care for the world for the future generations
- Base actions on concern for others
- Good Samaritan
- Little things help
- Human dignity prioritised
- "Give a man a fish and you feed him for today but teach a man to fish and you have fed him for a lifetime."
- Imago Dei
- St Catherine of Sienna
- The soul is made in the image of God
- References the soul
- References Genesis
- "Let us make mankind in our own image"
- Omnibenevolent
- "The incalcuable love by which you have looked upon your creature."
- Humans originate from God
- Conscience tells us when our actions are right or wrong (God)
- Creation Of Adam
- Transcendence
- Carried through the air- outside of the earth Adam is firmly on
- Special relationship with God
- Close to each other, We are important (stewards, created last)
- Omnibenevolence
- God is reaching to be close to Adam
- God is the giver of life
- God's touch= spark of life. Life belongs to God
- Omnipotent Creator
- God has a dynamic presence. He brought Adam into existence
- Imago Dei
- God and Adam have been painted as similar physically. They reflect His qualities
- Transcendence
- St Catherine of Sienna
- Catholic Social Teaching
- How to deal with modern problems
- Popes speak out about social issues of their day
- Reflections on God's word
- The way the Church advises people to act
- Abortion
- Sanctity of life
- Life belongs to God
- Abortion
- The removal of the fetus from the womb before it can survive
- Quality of life
- The idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living
- Current UK limit for abortion is 24 weeks
- Pro-Life
- Support the fetus' right to life. Want abortion banned
- Pro-Choice
- Supports the woman's right to an abortion
- Catholic View
- "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you"
- Disagree with abortion 100%
- Principle of Double Effect
- If a mother needs a treatment to save her life that would result in the termination of the pregnancy it is acceptable
- Church valures all life, no exeptions
- Other Christian Views
- Strictly limited exceptions
- If the mother's life is in danger
- If the mother was ***** because it will affect quality of life
- If the child will likely be severely disabled and there is a small chance of anything but a very short life
- Strictly limited exceptions
- Humanist View
- Abortion is okay
- Peter Singer
- A fetus is not a person
- Sanctity of life
- Catholic Charities
- Duty to work against the forces of society that create poverty
- Provide emergency aid for those in need
- Provide long-term aid
- Preserving human dignity
- Overseas aid
- St Vincent De Paul Society
- Helps everyone who needs it
- "Love your neighbour"
- Local help
- Preserve human dignity
- Tree of Life Apse Mosaic
- The Cross
- Doesn't focus on suffering and death of Jesus
- The black cross emphasises his brightness
- Jesus' sacrifice was about life and hope
- The Tree of Life
- Cross emerges from tree- people saved by crucifixion
- Genesis- tree of knowledge of good and evil
- Snake wrapped around fawn drinking from the river of life- sin ruins life
- Representation of Jesus
- A&?- first and last letters of Greek alphabet- God is eternal
- Chi-Ro (X&P) first to leters of Christ- imporstance of Jesus
- Apostles
- Lived a sacrificial life with Jesus
- Followed Jesus (lambs)
- The Cross
- Key Words
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