Origins of Psychology

  • Created by: M4nny
  • Created on: 18-07-17 17:26
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  • Origins of Psychology
    • The PPl
      • Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
        • "I Think Therefore I Am" & mind & body independent from each other & mind object of study in own right.
      • John Locke (1632-1704)
        • proposed emprisicsm = experience gained through senses = understand events in world by investigating = observe & measure
      • Charles Darwin (1809- 1882)
        • Bio approach = evo theory = survival of fittest = weaker genes - x survive & x reproduce =  humans & animals beh change over time = +re stronger & adaptive genes to survive & reproduce
      • Wihelm Wundt
        • Who? = Father of experimental psy = opened 1st psych lab = psy appears to be discipline in own right = 1st to be called psychologist = believed all aspects of mind & nature scientifically study
        • Introspection: process gain knowledge about mental & emotional state =  separate & put into factors = scientific?
          • Griffiths: fruit machine gamblers & stated what they were thinking whilst gambling
          • Csilkzentinilyi & Hunter : used to study happiness = +ve psych = area of work
          • Controlled Methods: under strict conditions = same stimulus every time = standardized instructions = procedures replicated
          • marked separation between modern scientific psy from philosophical roots
      • Watson & early beh
        • critical about introspection = varies person - person = difficult to est. general principles = private mental process = true scientific psy = study event observe & measure
    • Timeline
      • 17th Cent. psy was experimental philosophy
        • 1879: Wundt & psy in own right
          • 1900s: Freud "Interpretation of Dreams" & emphasized influ of unconscious mind on beh& phys problems cos of conflicts in the mind & developed person centered therapy
            • 1913: Skinner & Watson est beh approach & Psycho & beh approaches dominant.
              • 1950s: Rogers & Maslow developed humanistic approach =  emphasizes importance of self determination of free will=  rejects beh & psycho = beh not determined by person
                • 1960's: cog rev w/ digital age/ comps = how human mind works = study mental process & SLT Bandura = bridge between cog & trad beh = draws attention to cog factors in learning
                  • 1980s: bio approach = dominant scientific perspective = advances in tech = +re understanding of brain & bio processes
                    • Eve 21st Cent: cog neuroscience emerges = built on early comp models = investigates how bio structures influ mental state= brought cog & bio approaches together
    • Emergence of Scientific approach
      • beh focus on beh = control lab experiment = observe = experimental methods for research = broadened & study of mental process = legit = cog researchers make inferences based of lab results
      • bio approach take advantage of tech & investigate physiological processes as they happen = fMRI & EEG


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