Origins of the Cold War
- Created by: LauraNannini
- Created on: 18-04-20 07:49
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- Topic 1
- Capitalism vs. communism
- Capitalism
- Free and fair elections
- Freedom of speech and press
- Buy land and invest and own private companies
- Communism
- No free or fair elections
- Government owned market and land was communaly owned
- No religion and no freedom of speech
- Capitalism
- Highest points of Tension
- USA & UK did not open a Western front for the USSR
- The Warsaw rising
- USA,UK and France appeasement failed and USSR
- USSR depended on Polands independence for their own stability
- The big three could not reach agreements effectively
- USSR refused to pay debts to the West
- Hitlers foreign policy threatened to take over the continent
- King Georges cousin, Tsar Nicholas II was executed by the Bolsheviks
- Soviet attitude (1945)
- Took advantage of Europe military situation to speed up their influence
- Expansion to East Europe made them more secure and expanded their sphere of influence
- USSR was the highest effected country from WWII
- Their buffer zone would be used as a barrier for future attacks
- U.S attitude (1945)
- Truman was highely against communsim and did not trust stalin
- Had to build a relationship with the USSR to prevent a war against communism
- USA wanted to protect their own interests of capitalism
- British attitude (1945)
- Dependent on the USA after going bankrupt during WWII
- Brritain depended on the USA for them to stay in power
- Yalta (February 1945)
- Mistrust grew after Stalin learnt that the USA had developed an atomic bomb without telling him.
- Roosevelt and Churchil founded the United Nations
- Stalin wanted full control of Germany but thought the USA and UK were betraying him by disagreeing
- Poland to be expanded to the west and the USSR would gain land in Poland
- Poland was to be kept as a democratic government
- A declaration on liberated Europe should be created
- Germany was to be divided into four zones, British, French, USA and USSR
- The same was done to Berlin
- They agreed to keep working together
- USSR wanted Germany to pay for all reparations
- USSR wanted guaranteed security by expanding their sphere of influence
- Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin had a mediocre relationship
- Potsdam
- Germany to be Disarmed, Demiliterized and denatzified
- Political system to be de-centralised in Germany
- Freedom of press, speech and religious tolerance
- Germany to be treated *** a single economic unit
- USSR to recieve reperations from their own zones and 25% from Western zones
- West to have reparations from their own zones and agricultural produce from the USSR
- Attlee, Truman and Stalin ha da lot more mistrust and did not get on well
- Capitalism vs. communism
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