Othello - act 4 Scene 1
- Created by: libs10191
- Created on: 09-04-23 14:02
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- Othello - Act 4 Scene 1
- Summary
- Iago says Cassio has confessed to sex with Desdemona to Othello. Othello faints. Cassio enters, Iago claims that Othello has epilepsy and has had seizures before. Othello, regaining consciousness, talks of himself as a cuckolds, but Iago tells him to hide and observe Cassio. Iago says he will draw Cassio out to tell of his amorous adventures with Desdemona.
- Othello withdraws. Iago talks with Cassio about Bianca. Othello sees his smiles and laughter but cannot hear the details and believes he is joking about how much Desdemona loves him.
- Bianca enters, with Desdemona's handkerchief, which she throws back at Cassio. Seeing his wife's handkerchief in the hands of Cassio's mistress is, for Othello, the "ocular proof" he sought. He is now convinced of Desdemona's infidelity and knows he must kill both Cassio and Desdemona
- Characters
- Iago
- Othello
- Cassio
- Bianca
- Desdemona
- Themes
- Jealousy
- lie with her? lie on her?... Handkerchief
- Pish! Noses ears and lips
- By heaven that should be my handkerchief!
- Do it not with poison. Strangle her in bed. Even the bed she hath contaminated
- Relationships
- My heart is turned to stone...
- I will chop her into messes, cuckold me
- He strikes her
- Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile
- Reputation
- He is much changed. Are his wits safe?
- Jealousy
- Context
- My lord has fallen into an epilepsy
- a horned man's a monster and a beast
- or shall I say your all in spleen and nothing of a man
- It is a creature that dotes on Cassio
- There give it to your hobby horse
- Summary
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