Overview: Britain 1832-1846
- Created by: Leila Harris
- Created on: 25-11-16 09:17
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- Overview: Britain 1832-1846
- Grey and Melbourne
- Grey
- Melbourne
- Ideology of the Whigs
- Whig Response to Change
- Social Reforms
- Pressure for Change
- Chartism
- Irish Radicalism
- Anti-Poor Law League
- Anti-Corn Law League
- Social Reform Campaigners
- Conservative Response to Change
- Finance, Admin and the Economy
- Bank Charter Act
- Trade and Business Reform
- Economic Developments
- Railway Revolution
- Agriculture
- Repeal of Corn LAws
- Social Developments
- Urban Britain
- Lives of the Workers
- Lives of the Poor
- Unions
- Working-Class Movements
- Grey and Melbourne
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