Ovid Book 3
- Created by: Sameen
- Created on: 12-06-13 16:16
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- Ovid Book 3
- Cadmus
- Themes: Camaraderie, following oracles (explanation)
- Actaon
- Semele
- Teiresias
- Story: Teiresias has been both a man and a woman, (snakes in a forest whom he hit with a stick) - woman for 8 years. Asked to settle dispute between Jove and Juno (who has more pleasure in bed), and answers in favour of Jove. Juno makes him blind and Jove, to console him, gave him the gift of clairvoyance.
- Theme: Anger of the Gods, Unjust punishment: DISPROPORTIONATE FURY
- Story: Teiresias has been both a man and a woman, (snakes in a forest whom he hit with a stick) - woman for 8 years. Asked to settle dispute between Jove and Juno (who has more pleasure in bed), and answers in favour of Jove. Juno makes him blind and Jove, to console him, gave him the gift of clairvoyance.
- Narcissus & Echo
- Extremely handsome, Narcissus was said to live a long live AS LONG AS HE NEVER KNOWS HIMSELF. LEGIONS OF LUSTY MEN AND BEVIES OF GIRLS DESIRED HIM, but he rejected them all.He rejected Echo; and she was unable to show her feelings. Then, SCORNED ADMIRER prays that he fall in love with someone he cannot obtain. Fallls in love with himself by a lake, died when he realised he was VOTARY AND IDOL, SUITOR AND SWEETHEART In place was a flower with a TRUMPET OF GOLD AND PALE WHITE PETALS
- Themes: Love, Prophecy, Just Punishment, Explanation
- Extremely handsome, Narcissus was said to live a long live AS LONG AS HE NEVER KNOWS HIMSELF. LEGIONS OF LUSTY MEN AND BEVIES OF GIRLS DESIRED HIM, but he rejected them all.He rejected Echo; and she was unable to show her feelings. Then, SCORNED ADMIRER prays that he fall in love with someone he cannot obtain. Fallls in love with himself by a lake, died when he realised he was VOTARY AND IDOL, SUITOR AND SWEETHEART In place was a flower with a TRUMPET OF GOLD AND PALE WHITE PETALS
- Pentheus and Bacchus (1)
- Story: Pentheus-arrogant and impious, mistreats Teiresius - RUDELY FLUNG THE MAN OUT doesnt give Bacchus deserved credit. Insults him- PERFUMED LOCKS AND WOMANISH GARLANDS, orders his arrest. Only find Acoetes...
- Themes: Impiety
- Story: Pentheus-arrogant and impious, mistreats Teiresius - RUDELY FLUNG THE MAN OUT doesnt give Bacchus deserved credit. Insults him- PERFUMED LOCKS AND WOMANISH GARLANDS, orders his arrest. Only find Acoetes...
- Acoetes and the Lydian Sailors
- Story: Acoetes on a ship, rest at Chios. Found a BOY WITH A BEAUTIFUL FACE LIKE A GIRL'S in a DRUNKEN STUPOR. A recognises its inhabited by a God, but crew disrespectful. Liber asks to be taken to Naxos, but crew steer otherwise. Then, vessel stood STOCK STILL in sea. OARS...TANGLED WITH IVY. Sailors turn into Dolphins :). Liber has MIRAGE OF SAVAGE TIGERS, LYNXES AND SPOTTED PANTHERS around him. Then A steers ship to Naxos
- Themes: Impiety and Piety, Glory of Gods.
- Story: Acoetes on a ship, rest at Chios. Found a BOY WITH A BEAUTIFUL FACE LIKE A GIRL'S in a DRUNKEN STUPOR. A recognises its inhabited by a God, but crew disrespectful. Liber asks to be taken to Naxos, but crew steer otherwise. Then, vessel stood STOCK STILL in sea. OARS...TANGLED WITH IVY. Sailors turn into Dolphins :). Liber has MIRAGE OF SAVAGE TIGERS, LYNXES AND SPOTTED PANTHERS around him. Then A steers ship to Naxos
- Pentheus and Bacchus (2)
- Story: Pentheus goes to the mountain where the Bacchanals were carrying out the rights. He's mistaken for a HUGE WILD BOAR and his mother is the first to attack him, and his MEMBERS WERE RENT APART.His mother TWISTED HIS HEAD RIGHT OFF.
- Themes: Impiety, Just Punishment
- Story: Pentheus goes to the mountain where the Bacchanals were carrying out the rights. He's mistaken for a HUGE WILD BOAR and his mother is the first to attack him, and his MEMBERS WERE RENT APART.His mother TWISTED HIS HEAD RIGHT OFF.
- Cadmus
- Story: told to go look for Europa or go into exile. At delphi, told to follow heifer untouched by man, to found Boetia (Thebes). Then Cadmus sends his men to look for water as a sacrificial libation to Jove but they find Dragon scared to Mars.
- Cadmus
- Themes: Camaraderie, following oracles (explanation)
- Dragon attacks them, and they are killed. Cadmus wears THE SKIN OF A LION, took his IRON TIPPED SPEAR, HIS JAVELIN. Fights dragon and kills it. Pallas appears and orders him to sow the teeth of dragon, leads to new human race - like TAPESTRY. Kill each other except 5, these are then Cadmus' men.
- Cadmus
- Story: told to go look for Europa or go into exile. At delphi, told to follow heifer untouched by man, to found Boetia (Thebes). Then Cadmus sends his men to look for water as a sacrificial libation to Jove but they find Dragon scared to Mars.
- Dragon attacks them, and they are killed. Cadmus wears THE SKIN OF A LION, took his IRON TIPPED SPEAR, HIS JAVELIN. Fights dragon and kills it. Pallas appears and orders him to sow the teeth of dragon, leads to new human race - like TAPESTRY. Kill each other except 5, these are then Cadmus' men.
- Story: told to go look for Europa or go into exile. At delphi, told to follow heifer untouched by man, to found Boetia (Thebes). Then Cadmus sends his men to look for water as a sacrificial libation to Jove but they find Dragon scared to Mars.
- Story: Grandson of Cadmus - Actaon, out hunting. He SAUNTERED AIMLESSLY in woods, and came upon Diana bathing. She gets very angry, and changes hi into a stag and INJECTED PANIC. Mangled to pieces by his own hunting dogs, his body covered with CRIMSON WOUNDS.
- Ravenous, Mountain-Ranger, Fawnkiller, Hunter, Hurricane, Chaser, Wingdog
- Themes: Anger of the Gods, unjust punishment
- Actaon
- Story: She has an affair with Jove and is carrying his child (Bacchus). When Juno finds out she adopts an OLD CRACKLED VOICE, and pretends to be semele's old nurse. She convinces Semele to ask Jove to come to her as he does when he goes to Juno. Jup used his EVERYDAY MISSILE, but Semele was burnt alive. Bacchus was RIPPED FROM HER WOMB, and completed term in Jup's thigh.
- Themes: Jealousy, Love
- Semele
- Extremely handsome, Narcissus was said to live a long live AS LONG AS HE NEVER KNOWS HIMSELF. LEGIONS OF LUSTY MEN AND BEVIES OF GIRLS DESIRED HIM, but he rejected them all.He rejected Echo; and she was unable to show her feelings. Then, SCORNED ADMIRER prays that he fall in love with someone he cannot obtain. Fallls in love with himself by a lake, died when he realised he was VOTARY AND IDOL, SUITOR AND SWEETHEART In place was a flower with a TRUMPET OF GOLD AND PALE WHITE PETALS
- Themes: Love, Prophecy, Just Punishment, Explanation
- Extremely handsome, Narcissus was said to live a long live AS LONG AS HE NEVER KNOWS HIMSELF. LEGIONS OF LUSTY MEN AND BEVIES OF GIRLS DESIRED HIM, but he rejected them all.He rejected Echo; and she was unable to show her feelings. Then, SCORNED ADMIRER prays that he fall in love with someone he cannot obtain. Fallls in love with himself by a lake, died when he realised he was VOTARY AND IDOL, SUITOR AND SWEETHEART In place was a flower with a TRUMPET OF GOLD AND PALE WHITE PETALS
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