Ownership and control of the media
- Created by: jesskeayy
- Created on: 08-05-17 21:04
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- Ownership and control of the media
- Horizontal Integration
- Cross media ownership, bigger companies own a diverse range of media
- Vertical Integration
- Companies gain economic control by owning more parts of the media industry
- e.g. owning their own cinema chain or producing technology that you can watch their media products on
- Companies gain economic control by owning more parts of the media industry
- Diversification
- Companies branch out into new areas to spread the risk of losses e.g. Virgin Media
- Global Conglomerations
- Transnational companies with a presence in many countries, operating in a global market
- Synergy
- Companies sell their product in different formats e.g. film having a soundtrack, a book and action figures
- Technical convergence
- Combining different technologies into one machine
- Implication of control of the media
- Lack of choice and diversity in opinions and viewpoints
- Spreads ruling class ideology/ false class consciousness
- Increased power of large companies
- Abuse of power by the elites can be easily covered up
- Marginalisation of traditional cultures for a mass and global culture
- Horizontal Integration
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