Ozymandias Mind Map
- Created by: zenorossi
- Created on: 16-01-17 13:47
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- Ozymandias
- Form
- In the form of a sonnet - usually used for love poems, which is ironic because of Ozymandias' lack of love for the people he ruled.
- Uses iambic pentameter, but is often disrupted, possibly to show how the power of nature and time can destroy human structure.
- It is in the form of a second hand account story, showing how irrelevant Ozymandias has become
- Context
- Percy Shelley was a 'Romantic'. Romantics believed in the power of nature and time being stronger than anything human.
- This influenced the tone and general message of the poem, obviously showing human power has become meaningless due to the power of nature and time.
- Shelley also disapproved of monarchies and oppression, which could be why he depicts Ozymandias as a cruel tyrant
- Percy Shelley was a 'Romantic'. Romantics believed in the power of nature and time being stronger than anything human.
- Irony
- After all of Ozymandias' arrogance of his great power and civilization, there is nothing left of it.
- The destroyed statue is a symbol that human achievement is temporary and lasts for a very short time compared to nature, which will last for much longer.
- Shelley's use of irony shows his hatred for oppression and the fact that he believes that it can be overturned.
- Feelings and attitudes
- Pride. The ruler was proud of what he did and called on others to admire it - ''Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair''
- Arrogance. The inscription on the statue shows that Ozymandias believed he was all powerful,and better than everyone. He could be comparing himself to an immortal or a God when he says he is 'king of kings'. This is also ironic because someone who was once so powerful was now left to a 'colossal wreck'
- Form
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