Physics P1
- Created by: NiravMajithia
- Created on: 10-12-16 16:04
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- Physics Core
- Energy (J)
- 10 forms
- Infrared Radiation
- 5 properties
- Infrared Radiation
- Infrared Radiation
- 5 properties
- 10 forms
- States
- Kinetic Theory
- Solid
- Liquid
- Gas
- Transfer by heating
- Conduction
- Solids
- Thermal Insulator
- Free electrons
- Metals
- Free electrons
- Thermal Conductor
- Free electrons
- Metals
- Free electrons
- Convection
- Fluids
- Convection Currents
- Evaporation
- Condensation
- Gas -> Liquid
- Low energy condense
- Rates
- Flow of air
- Heat (energy)
- Surface Area
- Liquid -> Gas
- High energy evaporate
- Rates
- Flow of air
- Heat (energy)
- Surface Area
- Condensation
- Condensation
- Gas -> Liquid
- Low energy condense
- Rate of transfer
- Warm -> Cool
- Temp difference
- SA : Volume
- material made of
- Material in contact with
- Conduction
- Heating & Insulation
- U - Value
- Low value = good insulator
- Specific Heat Capacity
- 1kg ^ 1 *c
- examples
- Solar panels
- water heated by sun radiation
- Heats house
- water heated by sun radiation
- Payback time
- Cost/Saving per year
- Efficiency
- Law of conservation of energy
- Useful & Wasted energy
- Sankey diagram
- (Useful out / Total in) x100
- U - Value
- Electricity
- Transfer
- kWh
- Generating
- Steam -> turbine -> generator
- Fossil Fuel
- Non - renewable
- Carbon Capture
- Non - renewable
- Nuclear
- Non - renewable
- Carbon Capture
- Large amount of electricity/kg of fuel
- decommissioning
- radioactive waste
- Non - renewable
- Biofuel
- Carbon Neutral
- geothermal
- Fossil Fuel
- Water/Wind -> turbine -> generator
- Sun -> solar CELL -> electricity
- Solar thermal tower
- Steam -> turbine -> generator
- National Grid
- Label NG
- Transformers
- Step-up
- + voltage,- current = - energy loss
- Step-down
- Step-up
- Supply + demand
- Start-up time
- Gas
- Start-up time
- Transfer
- Wave Properties
- Transverse
- EM waves
- Vacuum
- Communication
- Radiowaves
- Microwaves
- Infrared
- Visible Light
- Oscillations
- Longitudinal
- Sound waves
- ^ Hz = ^ Pitch
- ^ Amplitude = ^ Volume
- needs medium
- Sound waves
- Longitudinal
- Freqency
- Wavelength
- Amplitude
- EM waves
- Longitudinal
- Sound waves
- ^ Hz = ^ Pitch
- ^ Amplitude = ^ Volume
- needs medium
- Sound waves
- Reflection
- Law of reflection
- Normal
- Laterally Inverted image
- Refraction
- Density
- More dense = towards normal
- none if along normal
- Density
- Diffraction
- wavelength > gap = more
- Wavelength < gap = little/none
- Wavelength = gap = most
- Transverse
- Dopper Effect
- Moving wave source
- light, sound microwaves
- Source away = ^ wavelength and - frequency
- Source towards = - wavelength and ^ frequency
- Moving wave source
- Red Shift
- Proves galaxies moving away
- Further = faster & bigger observed ^ wavelength
- Proves galaxies moving away
- Big Bang Theory
- Began small / dense / hot -> explosion -> universe
- Evidence
- CMBR - EM radiation - heat
- Only explanation is BBT
- Red Shift
- Universe expanding outwards
- CMBR - EM radiation - heat
- Energy (J)
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