Panathenaia - SCRaP
- Created by: sassyspaghetti
- Created on: 24-01-18 21:47
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- Panathenaia SCRaP
- Social
- Cmpetitive events - chance to win glory/financi-al
- Opportunity for communal worship
- Show sense of patriotic pride the visual spectacle of the competition would be impressic; emphasising the unification of the people in Athens
- Leisure
- Sense of unity
- Relaxation
- Cultural
- Rememberin-g/ cultural/myth-ological events
- Peplos had giants and gods stories woven in
- Pythic dancing was originally celebration of gods over giants
- Musical skills
- Education/Lit-eracy
- Appreciation of epic poetry & oral tradition
- The wealth & power of Athens would have been illustrated in the sheer scale & extravaganc-e of event
- Rememberin-g/ cultural/myth-ological events
- Religous
- Celebrating birth of Athena - patron of City
- Honouring goddess - patron of Athens
- Fulfilling religous obligations
- Sacrifice
- Communal worship
- Political
- Showed Athens as a super-power
- Non-Athenians were invited and participated some aspects, but not all
- Highlighted Athens superiority
- Opportunity to show forward thinking political system
- Demonstratio-n of Athenian citizenship - inclusive, elaborate
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