- Created by: ellxna
- Created on: 28-03-17 10:30
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- Paphlagonian
- a bully
- ''[seizing from the ** the cup used for the libation]" pg. 44
- steals from the public
- 'haven't you had your finger in the public pie for years?' pg.46
- steals from Demosthenes
- takes credit for other people's work
- stole Spartan cake from Pylos
- manipulates to get what he wants
- 'floor him with a speech miles below the belt,. get a hold on him, twist his arm half off and then devour him' pg.46
- makes empty threats, lies to the council, makes conspiracies
- 'I'll sentence you to death, that's what I'll do!' pg47 -- fast-paced comic routine,
- 'I'm not afraid of you, not while the Council Chamber stands and the People sits in assembly! With open mouth and empty brainbox.' pg.51
- interprets oracles to benefit himself
- boastful
- 'I'm as big a crook as you are or bigger' pg.49
- tanner-related puns
- sucks up to Thepeople
- controls other slaves in hierachy
- took bribes, blackmails, creates fear
- ugly looking, slightly more polished in manner than **
- Knights and Cleon didn't get on
- melodramatic
- refs. to oral/rhetoric
- a bully
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