Paradigms of Criminology
- Created by: katelynconstance
- Created on: 07-06-16 12:22
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- Paradigms
- Classical School (1st Movement)
- Becarria- Need for CJS: free will,rationality and manipulability.
- Individuals are able to make rational,calculating choices regarding behaviour. Choices are made when advantageous.
- Crime focus: any criminalised behaviour,state definitions of crime are unchallenged
- Deterrent principle:one has free will and can therefore be persuaded not to commit crime
- People are motivated by pleasure to commit crime. Punishment is essential to control criminal behaviour.
- Crime is a voluntary act committed by a person exercising a deliberate choice. Victims of crime are of no importance.
- Positivism/Positive School
- Cesare Lombroso. Many distinct pathological conditions may be the genesis of criminal behaviour
- Any deviant or criminal behaviour most often those traditionally percieved as relatively serious.
- State definitions of crime tend to be uncritically accepted.
- Crimonogenic environment: poor family relationships,labelling. Biological/genetic
- Lombroso's atavism
- Criminals= evolutionary "throwback" Criminals are born criminals. Based on positivism
- Criminals can be distinguished from non criminals by their physical manifestation of atavistic or degenerative physical anomalies
- Dates from Darwins time. Accepts juridicial definition of crime but rejects free will and rational choice. Focuses on determinism: environmental factors.
- Focuses on criminal not crime.Human behaviour is determined by biological, psychological and socio-economic factors
- Punishment has to be proportionate to the crime and when necessary linked to treatment
- Classical School (1st Movement)
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