paris anthology: video guides
- Created by: Studying265
- Created on: 04-06-18 17:36
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- Paris Anthology Aqa A level : The video guides
- Stories are waiting in Paris by Eurostar
- context, synopsis & mode
- This is a video to advertise for Eurostar
- It is multi modal as it features text and voice
- Purpose, literariness, point of view & audience
- The piece is more of a conversation rather than literary
- it raises the idea of creating stories
- The piece is more of a conversation rather than literary
- How is Paris presented
- A place of endless possibilities and a blank canvas where you can paint your own memories
- features
- Lexis and Semantics
- - personal and spatial dexis - language is evocative dynamic verbs
- techniques
- - short, simple utterances, repetition of subjunctive mood, maybe, creates pace & syntax: parallelism . sound effects used in video helps to build atmosphere
- Lexis and Semantics
- Could compare with: not for parents, Breathless or Paris city guide
- context, synopsis & mode
- Paris city guide
- Compare with: fine French food or encore une fois
- lexis and semantics
- intensifiers: these are used to place emphasis on ordinary things such as boulivards
- How is Paris presented ?
- it is presented as a place that is rich with culture and history , seine
- purpose and audience
- the purpose is to entertain, persuade and interest the audience who it is directed to which are: adults or people who are interested in Paris' history and culture
- context and mode
- This is in the form of a transcript, but is a video advert which is spoken mode with elements of written
- grammar, phonology, pragmatics & graphology
- planned pauses to place dramatic impact. fricative alliteration phrases, gentle tone. written text across the screne, sounds add to the audiences senses with visualising parcs
- Fine French food
- mode
- it is a visual guide
- it feature a spoken mode / multi modes.
- lexical and semantics
- features a semantic field of food and the French cuisine
- other features
- it is a spoken text which features fillers or false starts
- rule of three at the end of the piece
- grammatically correct and has a high level of lexis
- prosodic features
- direct address
- it is a spoken text which features fillers or false starts
- Untitled
- mode
- Stories are waiting in Paris by Eurostar
- This is a video to advertise for Eurostar
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