Parliamentary Law Making
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- Created on: 27-03-18 20:55
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- Parliamentary Law Making
- Influences on Parliament
- Political
- Advantages
- Proposals will be known
- Majority governments - easier to get legislation through
- Disadvantage
- Laws can be repealed
- e.g. minority government
- Advantages
- Public Opinion and Media
- Advantages
- Free press
- Highlights issues
- Disadvantage
- Manipulation - biased to one party?
- Law made in hurry due to public attention
- e.g. dangerous dogs act, hurried and law didn't work
- Advantages
- Pressure Groups
- Advantages
- Highlights a range of issues
- Disadvantage
- Cause pressure groups imposing will on everybody (small section of society, not everyone agrees with them)
- Conflict of interests (different beliefs)
- e.g. league against cruel sports
- sectional - represent a section of society - more exclusive eg trade unions
- cause - fight for a cause or value for everyone! (not just a certain section of society)
- Advantages
- Lobbyists
- Advantages
- Raises issues
- Open to all
- Disadvantage
- Cash for questions (money has more influence)
- e.g. cash for questions scandal - al fayad family lobbying with money having more influence
- Advantages
- Political
- Reformation of the House of Peers
- begun in late 1990s
- currently 92 hereditary peers
- over 600 life peers
- hereditary peer - someone who inherits their title. not elected
- Life peer - appointed a title only for lifetime, cannot be inherited
- House of Commons and House of Lords
- 650 seats in house of commons
- need over 350 seats for a majority gov
- house of commons - elected mps
- house of lords/peers - non elected hereditary and life peers
- unfair - in reform
- Influences on Parliament
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