Partita: sarabande, gigue-Bach
- Created by: lollocket
- Created on: 10-01-16 17:59
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- Partia No.4 in D: Sarabande and Gigue. J.S.Bach
- Sarabande
- Texture
- Right hand has melody. Left hand has supporting part. Melody-dominated homophony.
- 3-part texture at start, but 4 part texture at end of first texture.
- Bar 2 can be said to be monophonic as one note is sounded at a time.
- Structure
- Rounded binary form
- Section A ends in the dominent
- Section B starts in the tonic, has a reference to section A.
- Rhythm and metre
- Simple triple time with slow beat
- Emphasis on second beat of bar noticable in both bars of opening phrase
- Steady, continuous quavers in left hand e.g. bars 3/4
- Short notes, demi and semi quavers in right hand e.g. bars 3/4
- Texture
- Gigue
- Texture
- Mainly 3 part texture with some fugal textures.
- Opening 6 bars are monophonic with just the first fugal subject.
- Second fugal subject in the dominant has a two part texture
- At bar 17 the final fugal subject entry creates the 3 part texture
- Second fugal subject in the dominant has a two part texture
- Opening 6 bars are monophonic with just the first fugal subject.
- In the second section a new fugal subject begins monophonically at bar 49
- Mainly 3 part texture with some fugal textures.
- Structure
- Binary form
- Fugal elements but not a regular fugue
- Section A ends in dominant
- Section B goes to tonic
- Rhythm and Metre
- Compound triple time
- Continuous semiquaver movement
- Texture
- Tonality
- Major-Minor tonality wit modulations to closely related keys.
- Each movement begins in the tonic(D major) and modulates to the dominant within section A
- At the end of the B section, the key return to the tonic, through a relative keg e.g.B minor (relative minor) and E minor ( relative minor of sub-dominant(G major).) Both keys are in both movements.
- Harmony
- Functional harmony/ diatonic - mainly root position chords and 1st inversion triads.
- Frequent use of broken chords and arpeggios e.g. chord I of D major in bar 1 of the Gigue.
- Diminished 7th's (with suspensions) over the tonic pedal note in A before the final note of the first half of the sarabande.
- Appoggiatura add tension in the closing bars of both sections of the Gigue( starts in bar 41
- Melody
- Conjunct (stepwise) movements. Scalic runs in fast moving passages e.g. bar 11 of Sarabande.
- Disjunct movements which often involves broken chords e.g.start of gigue.
- Interval of a minor 7th which highlights crucial notes of the VII chord e.g. bars 22 and 23 of sarabande.
- Sarabande
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